Tag Archives: Self-Publishing


Balancing Your Writing Career and Other Ambitions – Beau Peters | Guest Post

Balancing Your Writing Career and Other Ambitions – Beau Peters | Guest Post

If you’re a writer, the written word is your craft. It’s what inspires and motivates you. However, if you write as a profession, you’re likely aware that the activity isn’t always so magical. There are times when you need to write, whether you like it or not. When you throw other activities into the mix


Why BookBub and FaceBook Ads Don’t Work for All Authors – Kenney Myers | Guest Post

If you are a new author like I am then no doubt you have solicited the advice of many seasoned authors to figure out the best ways to market your book. Most of them are usually very willing to offer suggestions and even introduce you to other authors that might have ideas that could help


The Benefits of Hiring a Writing Assistant – Beau Peters | Guest Post

As a writer, it’s not uncommon to assume you have to do everything on your own. While some things can’t be delegated when it comes to your work, there are plenty of daily tasks that can (and should) be handled by someone else – a writing assistant. When you’re a professional writer, a good rule


How Self-Publishing Authors Can Elevate Their Business Management Skills – Beau Peters | Guest Post

The self-publishing game is bigger than ever, as global citizens continue to embrace socially distant activities like reading and storytelling. And thanks to continued advancements in digital technology, sharing your short stories, poems, novels, and more with the world is easier than ever. For many aspiring amateur authors, the writing process itself constitutes an acceptable


The Grassroots Guide to Reaching Your Readers – Beau Peters | Guest Post

For authors who choose to self-publish, writing their books is only one part of the work. As a self-published author, you also have to consider how to get your book into the hands of the people who want to read it. Grassroots marketing can be an excellent way to keep control over your book while

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5 Things to Ensure Before Hiring a Book Cover Designer for Your Next Self-Published Book in 2021 – Raina Jordan | Guest Post

Isn’t it great? The feeling of completing the first draft of your own book! You have finally completed what you started, and that in itself is an applause-worthy achievement. But what is the next step now? As a self-publishing writer, you have to take care of everything for your book, including the writing part (which

Image Source: Readers Magnet

Infographic: How to Get Reviews for Your Book

Getting reviews from your prospects can be a difficult task to accomplish. It is because some might have stumbled upon your book but didn’t bother to click on it, while others may have purchased it but didn’t mind to leave a review. One way or another, these two instances are really dreadful on your end;


5 Tips On How To Promote Your Book in Times of Crisis – Rachael Cooper | Guest Post

In times of crisis, like the present pandemic, there’s a tendency to assume that everything from buying groceries to getting a publisher interested in your book proposal will be harder. That people will be too distracted to care about you, or your book. The reality is very different. Many authors, self-published and traditionally published, have

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10 Ways to Market Your Book on a Budget – Dave Chesson | Guest Post

If you’ve self-published before, you’ll know that book marketing can get very expensive very quickly. Luckily, there are some ways that you can market your book on a tight budget. In this article, we’ll go over 10 of my favorite low-cost marketing techniques that you can use to sell more books. Most of the strategies

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Staying in the Game: Book Marketing for Self-Published Authors – Virginia Colton | Guest Post

Self-publishing is becoming more and more popular among authors nowadays. Self-publishing is the publication of books, magazines, and any other media by authors without the involvement of an established publisher. In other words, self-published authors do pretty much all the tasks necessary to publish and sell a book – this includes book marketing. To be quite
