Digital Marketing articles

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Why You Need a Social Media Publishing Calendar and How to Build One – Antonio Tooley | Guest Post

Why You Need a Social Media Publishing Calendar and How to Build One – Antonio Tooley | Guest Post

You invested tons of effort to write your book, and it was even harder to get it published. You didn’t have a team of publishers watching your back; you did all the work on your own. You’re proud of that piece, and you should be. Now, the marketing aspect is also your responsibility. You can


How Independent Authors Can Grow their Following on Twitter – Jessica Davis | Guest Post

If you’re an independent author, you probably already know that maintaining a good online presence and building a readership is crucial to your success. This is all the more important when you’re primarily self-published, and need internet buzz for people to engage with your work. More than any other type of social media, Twitter is


Why an Author Needs a Publicist in Today’s Competitive Book Market – Tany Soussana | Guest Post

For the author who is looking to make a difference between where their book is at today (perhaps just puttering along), or where it can be (with a publicist in tow), let me ask you this:  If not now, when? First off, congratulations are in order if you are an author who has made it


Peters Fraser & Dunlop Launches Agent-Assisted Publishing Imprint

London-based literary agency Peters Fraser & Dunlop (PFD) has recently launched its own agent-assisted digital publishing imprint, IPSO Books. COO of PFD Robert Caskie joined Reedsy founder Ricardo Fayet for an interview to discuss the new venture and Reedsy’s involvement in the project. You can watch the video interview below or read the full transcript available on

self published author

30 Marketing Questions that Self-Published Authors Must Answer – Jason Walberg | Guest Post

Thanks to the ease of access afforded by the Internet, many authors, novelists and writers are taking to self-publishing, which allows their offerings to see the light of day even without the backing of a publishing house or a large marketing budget. In fact, the days of authors crying over a stack of rejection letters


Six Ways Writers Can Promote Themselves through Facebook – Sally Sanderson | Guest Post

With over one billion users worldwide, Facebook form an ideal platform for writers to promote their work. Currently reigning as the undisputed social media giant, Facebook has transformed the lives of many not only socially but economically as well. Today, bigwig companies are using the platform to promote their products and services, something which as


Smashwords Introduces Assetless Preorders

Self-publishing platform Smashwords has introduced what it calls ‘Assetless Preorders’ for e-books. While the platform has allowed authors and small press publishers a preorder feature for nearly two years, it required the load up of finalised e-book files. Smashwords founder Mark Coker revealed in a blog post last week that fewer than 10% of e-books released on


Beyond Beginner Twitter Marketing Tactics for Writers | Matthew Yeoman | Guest Post

Twitter can help any writer increase their online profile and find new followers that turn into new fans that read your books. Twitter has done a lot to help small time writers build their audience. There are still examples like George RR Martin tweeting out this: I don’t tweet all that much, please check out


10 Essential Rules for E-Publishing – Haley Osborne | Guest Post

In these days of having technology no more than an arm’s length away, more and more books are finding their way into people’s pockets, purses and briefcases. Entire anthologies and series are often hidden away and pulled from nowhere on public transportation and coffee shops, like novice magic tricks. The key to being read now

Book Reviewer Yellow Pages Main

How to Approach Book Reviewers the RIGHT Way | Christine Pinheiro | Guest Post

In 2007, I published my first book. The publishing process was tough, but when I started trying to actually promote my book, that was even harder! My first book was nonfiction; about a niche subject. Getting book reviews seemed almost impossible. I tried to find traditional review sources first, but none of the big newspapers
