Digital Marketing articles


Selling and Distributing Your Book: What Self-Published Authors Need to Know – Beau Peters | Guest Post

Selling and Distributing Your Book: What Self-Published Authors Need to Know – Beau Peters | Guest Post

The road to writing a book is fulfilling, but it’s often so much more work than people tend to give it credit for. Even once the rounds of drafting and editing are complete, that’s not the end of the road. Rather, it’s the beginning of the sales and distribution process that actually gets your hard-wrangled


Why BookBub and FaceBook Ads Don’t Work for All Authors – Kenney Myers | Guest Post

If you are a new author like I am then no doubt you have solicited the advice of many seasoned authors to figure out the best ways to market your book. Most of them are usually very willing to offer suggestions and even introduce you to other authors that might have ideas that could help


How Self-Publishing Authors Can Elevate Their Business Management Skills – Beau Peters | Guest Post

The self-publishing game is bigger than ever, as global citizens continue to embrace socially distant activities like reading and storytelling. And thanks to continued advancements in digital technology, sharing your short stories, poems, novels, and more with the world is easier than ever. For many aspiring amateur authors, the writing process itself constitutes an acceptable


5 Brazen Social Media Strategies for Writers – Lesley Vos | Guest Post

You are a writer. Whatever you write, you want these writings to be popular and bring you both followers and income. And what’s better than social media channels for building an author platform? But here’s the catch: Social media is a tool. Let’s say it’s a hammer. And when you decide to use social media


The Grassroots Guide to Reaching Your Readers – Beau Peters | Guest Post

For authors who choose to self-publish, writing their books is only one part of the work. As a self-published author, you also have to consider how to get your book into the hands of the people who want to read it. Grassroots marketing can be an excellent way to keep control over your book while


Book Publicity Campaign Extras: PR Elements to Boost Excitement – Diane H. Wong | Guest Post

Book publicity extras—like book tours and book parties—can boost media and reader awareness during your book’s launch. In addition to the book publicity basics you can expect from your publisher or hired publicist, there are a number of other tactical publicity elements that can be deployed in service of getting media attention for your book.   Book


How to Write a Book Review for Your Author Website – Dave Chesson | Guest Post

You don’t have to keep cranking out new books to provide engaging content for your readers. Instead, you could write a book review on someone else’s work on your author website. Not only will this help you communicate your opinion with your fans, but you can also make use of Amazon Affiliate links to help


Print vs. eBook: A Comparison for Independent Publishers – Beau Peters | Guest Post

As of 2014, the UK published more books per capita than any other country in the world. Now, thanks to advancements in technology, it’s easier to be an independent publisher than ever before. As a result, that title should continue to hold steadily. But, technology has also created more choices on how to go about

Image Source: Readers Magnet

Infographic: How to Get Reviews for Your Book

Getting reviews from your prospects can be a difficult task to accomplish. It is because some might have stumbled upon your book but didn’t bother to click on it, while others may have purchased it but didn’t mind to leave a review. One way or another, these two instances are really dreadful on your end;


Marketing Strategies for Authors: Beyond Beginner – Rebecca Carter | Guest Post

You might be ready for more advanced social media strategies. When you first dipped your toe into Twitter or gathered friends on Facebook, it was enough to just have a social media presence. Now that you’ve gotten a little savvier, maybe refresh yourself on social media best practices and etiquette — and then take it
