Book Retail articles


Kindle e-Books Outstrip Hardback Sales

Kindle e-Books Outstrip Hardback Sales

Amazon reported yesterday that sales of Kindle e-books has outstripped hardback books for the first time. From the press release: Millions of people are already reading on Kindles and Kindle is the #1 bestselling item on for two years running. It’s also the most-wished-for, most-gifted, and has the most 5-star reviews of any product


Borders Group US Open e-Bookstore

This morning Borders Group USA opened the proverbial electronic doors on its new e-bookstore, entering a highly competitive market with rivals Barnes & Noble e-bookstore, the Amazon Kindle store and Apple’s iBookstore. The Borders e-bookstore is set to offer 1.5 million titles, including some free books, with Borders Inc. president, Mike Edwards, saying he hoped


PublishAmerica Discontinues Trade Paperback Books (UPDATE)

PublishAmerica (PBA 139.58) authors have been informed by email that the company is discontinuing trade paperback editions and books will only be available in hardback editions. It is a bizzare and troubling turn of events for its listed authors. As things stand with PublishAmerica, paperback retail prices are already considered excessive, and this latest development, if it is


When Booksellers Become Small Presses

What would happen if local bookstores decided to become small press publishers? Well, according to today’s Publishers Weekly article, New Indie Bookselling Model: Publish Own Handselling Favorites, it is already happening. The article looks at the moves by two bookstore owners in Albany New York and Massachusetts using both print on demand and offset to


Amazon Ratchet it Up a Level For Distributors

The US publishing industry may have another spat on the horizon to accompany the current dispute between John Wiley and The Authors Guild. Amazon is yet again flexing its muscles, this time in the direction of distributors and their publisher clients. Amazon is introducing a new program called ‘Levels of Service’ (PDFdownload). While there is nothing unusuual about
