World eReading Congress – So Cordially Invited… | FutureBook


World eReading Congress – So Cordially Invited… | FutureBook:

This is a laser-sharp summary of the World eReading Congress by Darren Laws writing in The Bookseller‘s blog, FutureBook, and well worth a read.
“The content of the day seemed hell bent on not rocking the boat until Cliff Conneighton from Elastic Path Software presented. Conneighton presented the liveliest and one of the most thought provoking session of the day and actually threw out challenging questions to the gathered delegates. Cliff told us to forget everything we knew or thought we knew about digital publishing as basically we knew nothing anyway. This brought a smile to my lips but many delegates sat stoney faced, some even scribbled this down, either they had no concept of irony or humour. But at the heart of Conneighton’s statement was some truth. We are stepping into unknown territory and writing the rule book as we go.”

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