Google Books Settlement – Deadline is Friday


The Google Books Settlement is a highly complexed debate and it is one that POD, Self Publishing & Independent Publishing has deliberately not chosen to examine as we believe this should be be an informed and personal choice for published authors outside of influence from author solution services, intimidation from peers or writing workshops, or what happens to be the general mass opinion. However, authors cannot be unaware that this Friday, September 4th is the deadline for authors to opt out of the agreement which Google has legally agreed, though this still remains under further judicial challenges.
As an author, I have made my own decision on what I should do. If you are still confused, as I know many self-published authors are, then have a browse of Teleread’s latest posting for some varying takes on the issue and surrounding debate.
Here is Wikipaedia’s definition of what the Google Book Agreement means.
Some further sources of discussion:
Some further respected sites,

