POD TV – Program 14: POD, Self Publishing’s Promo Trailer


POD, Self Publishing & Independent Publishing have had a Youtube presence in the pipeline for a while and finally this weekend we kicked it off aptly with a promotional trailer for the site.

Future video uploads will include workshop-style tutorials and advice on self-publishing.
Stay tuned for further uploads over the coming months.
Youtube channel for POD, Self Publishing & Independent Publishing


One Comment;

  1. JFBookman said:


    Just had a chance to watch your Youtube trailer. Great idea, and a nice looking boxer. Hope you have success with it. Two comments from the nit-picking editor in my head who won’t shut up: curious about the rather funereal music you chose, makes the whole experience rather foreboding. Also, you probably noted the typo in the “opinions” cartoon.
    Anyway, thanks for sharing that, and a nice job of an unusual publicity effort for your blog.

