POD TV – Program 1, Launched Right Here

POD, Self Publishing & Independent Publishing today goes visual with POD TV. We hope to make this a weekly event and I am currently looking into a series of webcasts and podcasts which I hope to launch over the next few months. For now, I am trawling the oceans to get things going.

Our first program, courtesy of our friends on Howtopublishabook.org features multiple self-publishing author, Jackie DeGroot, speaking with Stacey Cochran. This is a highly in-depth discussion (1 hour) about many of the issues which self-publishing authors stumble upon when they enter this area of publishing.

Topics discussed in the program:

Lightning Source
Self-Publishing Costs
Cover Design
Book Formatting
Marketing & Selling Your Books
Relevance of using POD Publishers
Aaron Shepard
Radio Interviews
Dot Com and Internet Business
Google Adsense
Value of Local Community
Writing a Good Book
Audience Questions

This is a stunning program to launch POD TV, and in many ways sums up so much of the articles which have appeared on this site and many of the wonderful posters who have commented here.

Sit back, turn up the volume, push right HERE, and sit back. Enjoy!


